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Ban the use of fossil fuel, UN chief

The United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres has denounced the use of fossil fuels to effectively attain the projected 1.5 degree limit and combat global warming.

Wilson Waison 

The development follows the initiation of COP 28 which is running under the theme,’ Transitioning to clean energy.’

Guterres said the 1.5-degree limit is only possible if the world ultimately stops burning all fossil fuels.

“Not reduce, Not abate, Phaseout,” Guterres said. 

He recommended fossil fuel company leaders across the globe to adopt green energy technologies.

“Your old road is rapidly aging, Do not double down on an obsolete business model. Lead the transition to renewables,” he said.

Guterres urged the global community leaders to protect the climate as it is the world’s greatest test of leadership 

“I urge you to lead, humanity’s fate hangs in the balance, make this COP count.”

Guterres said climate finance is a critical enabler for climate action however the global financial system hasn’t been delivering the available, accessible and affordable climate finance the globe needs.

COP28 President Dr Sultan Al Jaber announced the COP28 UAE Declaration of Leaders on a Global Climate Finance Framework, setting out a roadmap for the future of climate finance. 

The declaration will rebuild trust, seize the economic opportunity of climate investments, and deliver at scale.

“Vital to the success of the framework is the support of countries who are part of the declaration,” Jaber said.

The United Kingdom announced a $2 billion contribution to the Green Climate Fund to tackle climate change.

The funding commitment by the United Kingdom raises the ambition needed to ensure a transformational COP28 and we encourage global leaders to continue this momentum.

His Majesty King Charles III addressing COP 28 said there is a universal need to safeguard the welfare of the global village through climate change adaptation 

"In 2050, our grandchildren won't be asking what we said, they will be living with the consequences of what we did or didn't do,” he said.

Charles III implored the global village to jointly act together in safeguarding the planet, such that the welfare of all its people will follow.

COP28 UAE, supported by the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions launched the Action Agenda on Regenerative Landscapes.

The aim of the organ will see leading food and agriculture organizations joining forces to scale regenerative agriculture, transitioning 160 million hectares to regenerative agriculture by 2030, accompanied by USD$2.2 billion in future investment, and engaging 3.6 million farmers worldwide.

This year’s COP stands on three pillars which are to phase out fossil fuels through accelerating the equitable phase-out of fossil fuels to achieve net zero by 2050 or sooner.

The COP 28 seeks to build climate-resilient societies by empowering groups who steward nature to secure their homes, livelihoods and futures as well as Invest in climate solutions.



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