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Harare Mayor Hails Progress on African Liberation Museum

Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume toured the under-construction African Liberation Museum and praised its potential to preserve African history and culture for future generations.

Emphasizing the museum's role in educating young people, Mafume stated, "Our liberties today come from the struggles and sacrifices of those who fought for liberation. We must not forget their bravery."

Construction of the Liberation City complex, which houses the museum alongside a hotel, amusement park, and other attractions, is nearly 20% complete.

Completion is expected within two years. Project manager Joseph Nkanki highlighted partnerships with corporations and outlined plans for a family-friendly destination offering history, heritage, and entertainment.

Ambassador Kwame Muzawazi applauded the Southern African Development Community's (SADC) involvement, recognizing the region's crucial role in African liberation struggles.

This project resonates with many in the region, considering its focus on commemorating the sacrifices made for freedom.

The museum offers a unique opportunity to not only showcase the fight for liberation but also serve as a reminder of the collective responsibility to learn from the past and strive for a better future.

As Mafume concluded, "We stand on the shoulders of giants. Let their efforts inspire us to be better."


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