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Wolves targeting NSSA says chair

The state-run pension fund, the National Social Security Authority (NSSA) non-executive Chairperson Emmanuel Fundira has accused senior management at the parastatal and top government official in the office of the president and cabinet of trying to destabilize the fund for selfish ends.

Tabetha Chingwaru

In an interview with Sources Media News Agency Fundira said he was being targeted by wolves who want to loot NSSA through blackmail and malicious allegations against his board.

“NSSA is very toxic and these are attempts to deflect my mandate to transform the organization which I will carry without fear or favor with the full support from the appointing authority,” he said.

Fundira was accused of buying a top-of-range vehicle for personal use before being forced to surrender the same by the office of the president and cabinet.

But Fundira denied the claims that he ever bought the alleged vehicle—rather it was purchased by the former general manager and it is now part of pool cars for NSSA.

The correct fact is that as NSSA Chairman I am entitled to an executive pool car which I use on-demand depending on the nature of my mandate and assignment at hand. This is a vehicle which was bought by the previous suspended general manager as a condition of service vehicle which he was entitled to but because he had left the same was subsequently added to the executive pool,” said Fundira

He said senior managers were against his planned transformative programs to ensure pensioners received a decent allowance of not less than USD 60 per month from the current USD 30.

“With my arrival, my board has resolved and withdrawn all NSSA Executives (employees) who were sitting on NSSA Investee Companies some on up to five boards drawing hefty allowances without adding any value to those same organizations. Upon arrival, there had been a damning forensic report on NSSA executives which my board is implementing to the full. Worse still there are currently 36 seniors to middle and junior management in acting positions for periods of more than the mandatory six months and such an anomaly has to be corrected the prescription is not always favorable to all but is it being done transparently in the best interest of NSSA,” he said.

He said the noise and allegations of abuse of public resources were being peddled by people who were against his plans.

“Our pensioners are currently receiving pensions of between $30 -$40 which is not enough and the thrust is to improve the position and at the same time not to bankrupt the fund. The new board's objective is to assure the pensioner a living and sustainable benefit above the $60 pm as prescribed by ILO and this will happen in my term of office,” he said.



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