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Zim launches strategy plan to address GBV

The government has launched a strategic roadmap to curb Gender-Based Violence

Wilson Waison

The development is seeking to give GBV salience and priority areas for the country outlining specific actions and strategies for the country.

The strategy runs under the theme ‘for a whole of government, whole of society approach to prevent and respond to GBV.’

Minister for Women Affairs, Community Small and Medium Enterprises Development, Monica Mutsvangwa said the strategy is aimed at providing a guiding framework for the national response to GBV in Zimbabwe.

“The strategy recognizes that GBV is a complex, pervasive, multi-faceted phenomenon that intersects with a broad range of social and gender variables and therefore requires a multi-sectoral and well-coordinated response,” she said.

The roadmap seeks to unleash a gender-just society free from all forms of GBV and end harmful practices in Zimbabwe from 2023 till 2030.

Mutsvangwa said the objective of the strategy is to reach a 20 percent reduction in the prevalence of all forms of Gender-Based Violence and Harmful Practices by 2030

“As a ministry, we are moved to strengthen the national and sub-national capacity to efficiently and effectively respond to GBV,” she said.

The implored strategy will enhance data collection, research, information, and knowledge management systems on GBV-related issues.

Mutsvangwa said the blueprint will ensure that all humanitarian, disaster, and conflict response actors integrate GBV prevention and mitigation measures in their work.

According to MICS 2009, High GBV prevalence among women and girls. Child Marriages 40% of women and girls experience physical violence in their lifetime. 12% experience sexual violence. GBV prevalence is 10% higher than the global average of 30%.

According to MICS (2019), 33.7% of girls aged 20- 24 years married before attaining 18 years and 5.4% before 15 years.

The National Census of 2022 reflected lower figures of 1% of women ages 20-24 years having married before age 15 and 16.2% before age 18.

Mutsvangwa called for a swift reaction against GBV in Zimbabwe and sufficient implementation of GBV laws and policies,

“The impact of Gender Based Violence among women and children across the board is very significant and alarming, “she said.

Zimbabwe Republic Police pledged to play its part in making sure that the national goals as stated through this strategy will come to fruition.

ZRP Victim Friendly Unit, Chief Superintendent Munyaradzi Jacob Tundu said there is a dedicated and specialized section that polices gender-based violence crimes.

“The goal of the Victim Friendly Unit includes providing a very conducive and friendly environment that promotes free reporting of Gender Based Violence cases,” he said.

Tundu said as a specialized Unity they are dedicated to harnessing all the available resources and efforts to eradicate Gender Based Violence both physically and within the cyberspace in the country.


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