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Zimbabwe Continues Harassment of US Officials- USAID

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has strongly condemned the harassment and aggressive treatment of its team in Zimbabwe. Administrator Samantha Power called the actions "unacceptable and deeply concerning."

Panashe Makufa

Zimbabwean authorities "detained, interrogated, and seized the personal electronic devices of US officials and contractors who were conducting assessments to guide USAID's work supporting democracy and human rights in the country"

According to a statement by Samantha Power, the "Zimbabwean authorities' recent attempts to verbally and physically intimidate several U.S. government officials and contractors – subjecting some of them to overnight detention, transportation in unsafe conditions, prolonged interrogation, seizure of and intrusion into personal electronic equipment, and forced deportation"

Power emphasized that this incident reflects a pattern of mistreatment of US officials and citizens by Zimbabwe over the past two years. She stated these actions contradict the Zimbabwean government's claims of commitment to democratic reform and international cooperation.

"These unjustifiable actions render hollow the Government of Zimbabwe’s claims that it is committed to the reforms necessary for democratic governance and re-engagement with the international community"

She added that the US remains dedicated to supporting the Zimbabwean people's aspirations for a more democratic and inclusive society. "We will continue to robustly support civil society, human rights defenders, and independent media and – as seen through our recent targeted sanctions – will not hesitate to take additional measures to hold accountable those who deny Zimbabweans fundamental freedoms and good governance" 

In response to ongoing corruption and human rights abuses, the United States has replaced broad sanctions on Zimbabwe with targeted measures against 11 individuals and three entities. The list includes President Emmerson Mnangagwa, his wife Auxilia, Vice President CGDN Chiwenga, Kuda Tagwirei, Defense Minister Oppah Muchinguri, and Commissioner-General of the ZRP Godwin Matanga.



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